School the Flesh
12th November, 2014
School the Flesh: The Body, Pedagogy, and Inequality
You are invited to a free public talk by Professor Antonia Darder, US, about the politics of classroom life, and the relationship between students’ bodies in the classroom and the social and material processes of knowledge construction.
Hosted by the University of Newcastle’s Comparative and International Education Group (CIEGUN) and The Lock-Up, this talk will draw on Professor Darder’s new book, Freire and Education, and her volume A Dissident Voice: Essays on Culture, Pedagogy, and Power, which provides a compilation of her critical writings over the last two decades.
This collection of essays engages a variety of political questions rooted within the contentious terrain of culture and power. Divided into seven sections that focus on biculturalism, racism, culture and schooling, language rights, Latino issues, the politics of the body, and a public pedagogy of dissent, the essays forcefully speak to the multiple ways in which the dominant culture shapes and perpetuates widespread inequalities and social exclusions, at the expense of oppressed populations.
Professor Darder is an internationally recognised public intellectual, artist, poet and activist. She is also one of the foremost critical education scholars of our time.
Her extensive scholarship and activism covers issues of racism, political economy, social justice and education.
The talk will begin at 6pm with light refreshments served afterwards.