8th September, 2021
Heart Open: Innovation Interchange straddles the crossroads of business, creativity and artistic expression.
6-9PM FRIDAY 17 MAY 2019
Heart Open: Innovation Interchange straddles the crossroads of business, creativity and artistic expression.
Come interrogate, celebrate and play with that loaded term, “Creative Industries”. Are its practitioners complacent content makers or sulky starving artists? Are profit and passion mutually exclusive?
With robust discussions, performances, pitches and improvisational speed networking, Heart Open Innovation Interchange will take you on a controversial journey through Novocastrian creative culture, while simultaneously showcasing some of the city’s brightest minds. We’ll get to the heart of making art and making a living.
This event is a collaboration between Heart Open, The Lock-Up, Hunter Young Professionals, Ignite Innovation, Hunter Writers Centre and is part of the 2019 Hunter Innovation Festival.
Tickets are $12. Click HERE to purchase your ticket.