Curator in Residence /
Kar Mun Phoon
17th May – 22nd May, 2022
Kar Mun Phoon is The Lock-Up’s COLLECT 2022 Young and Emerging curator. Kar Mun will be working closely with The Lock-Up’s staff to develop and curate it’s annual fundraising exhibition.
About Kar Mun
Kar Mun Phoon is an emerging creative and Tantrum Youth Arts Resident who has worked locally in Newcastle with various practitioners and institutions. She currently volunteers at The Lock-Up, and Newcastle Art Gallery as a Youth Advisor. Kar Mun previously qualified as a dentist and has worked in this field for over seven years. She re-skilled at TAFE Newcastle in Arts Administration and completed an internship in Marketing and Audience Development at Blackstone Gallery. Kar Mun is currently pursuing her interests in curatorship, audience development and arts administration.